Regulations for the "15ª Concurso Internacional de Instrumentos de Sopro "Oliveira de Azeméis" 2023".
Article 1 – Instruments
This is an International Competition, open to the following instruments:
• Woodwind: Transverse Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Saxophone and Bassoon;
• Brass: Trumpet, Horn, Trombone, Euphonium, Tuba.
Note: In the Tuba instrument only the Juvenile, Junior and Senior categories will be held;
The Trombone rounds can be held choosing between the Tenor Trombone and the Bass Trombone.
Article 2 – Location and date
The Competition will be held in Oliveira de Azeméis, at the facilities of Academia de Música de Oliveira de Azeméis, from 03 to 08 July, 2023.
The rounds and rehearsals may also be held at Soares de Basto Secondary School or the Oliveira de Azeméis Municipal Theatre.
Article 3 – Registration
Registration in the competition commits the entrant to accept the regulations determined in this document.
• Application is carried out using the online platform available to be filled in from 17th April 2023 (10:00) to 17th May (17:00) on the website of the organisation:;
• Against payment, a pianist accompanist might be provided by the organisation, in case the candidate marks the request on the Application Form.
• No reimbursement will be paid to the entrants that for any reason withdraw from the competition, after its validation by the organisation.
Note: The registration will only be validated if and when the application form is received correctly filled in with all the other requested documents attached, including the payment of proof made. At this stage, it is essential that each entrant provides an IBAN (International Bank Account Number) and the name of the account holder, to which bank transfers concerning possible achieved awards might be made.
The seriation process is made based on the date and hour of the email received which has the Application Form attached.
Article 4 – Documents
When performing in each round, all entrants must be accompanied by a valid personal identification document containing a photograph and (3) three copies of the musical score of the freely selected piece of music to be played.
Article 5 – Categories
The entrants will be divided in four categories:
• Child Category: Aged up to 12 (inclusive)
• Juvenile Category: Aged 13 to 15 (inclusive)
• Junior Category:Aged 16 to 18 (inclusive)
• Senior category:Aged 19 to 25 (inclusive)
Note: The entrants will be integrated in each category, based on the contestant’s age on the first day of the competition, that is on 3rd of July2023.
Article 6 – Vacancies
The XV Edition of the Competition has the following vacancies available:
Section |
Instrument |
Category |
Child |
Juvenile |
Junior |
Senior |
Woodwind |
Transverse Flute |
14 |
14 |
12 |
10 |
Oboe |
14 |
14 |
12 |
10 |
Clarinet |
14 |
14 |
12 |
10 |
Saxophone |
14 |
14 |
12 |
10 |
Bassoon |
14 |
14 |
12 |
10 |
Brass |
Trumpet |
14 |
14 |
12 |
10 |
Horn |
14 |
14 |
12 |
10 |
Trombone |
14 |
14 |
12 |
10 |
Euphonium |
14 |
14 |
12 |
10 |
Tuba |
0 |
14 |
12 |
10 |
Article 7 – Jury
The Jury will be made up of 12 (twelve) national and international personalities of recognised artistic and pedagogical merit, divided into their areas of expertise.
The elements of the Jury will be announced on the official websites of the competition, as of 17th May 2023.
Notes: The jury will be subdivided into four groups of three members each, being each group assigned to evaluate the rounds related to their field of expertise;
The Jury reserves the right to interrupt a performance at any moment;
The Jury’s decisions are unquestionable and final;
Throughout the competition, the organisation may appoint new members of the Jury in addition to the ones that were previously announced, if necessary.
Article 8 – Score
Each member of the Jury will assign each entrant a score from 0 (zero) to 200 (two hundred) points, in a possible total of 600 (six hundred) points, divided according to the following criteria and maximum points:
Criteria |
Points |
Sonority |
0 - 40 |
Technical performance |
0 - 40 |
Tuning |
0 – 40 |
Interpretation |
0 – 40 |
Artistic Personality |
0 - 40 |
The entrants who obtain more than 450 points proceed to the Final Round, following the limits established in the table below:
Section |
Instrument |
Category |
Child |
Juvenile |
Junior |
Senior |
Woodwind |
Transverse Flute |
6 |
6 |
5 |
4 |
Oboe |
6 |
6 |
5 |
4 |
Clarinet |
6 |
6 |
5 |
4 |
Saxophone |
6 |
6 |
5 |
4 |
Bassoon |
6 |
6 |
5 |
4 |
Brass |
Trumpet |
6 |
6 |
5 |
4 |
Horn |
6 |
6 |
5 |
4 |
Trombone |
6 |
6 |
5 |
4 |
Euphonium |
6 |
6 |
5 |
4 |
Tuba |
0 |
6 |
5 |
4 |
Note: In case the number of entrants with more than 450 (four hundred and fifty) points is superior to the number of vacancies available, the criterion will be the highest score.
Article 9 – Rounds
Two rounds must be held in each category, an eliminatory round and a Final one.
1) Child and Juvenile Categories:
• Eliminatory round: the entrant(s) are to perform a compulsory piece of music previously selected by the organisation;
• Final round: the entrant(s) are to perform a freely selected piece of music/one or more tempos.
Notes: The name of the compulsory piece of music will be published on the official website of the competition, as of 17th March 2023;
In case an accompanist pianist has been requested by the entrant, the piano piece of music must be enclosed, to the Application Form in PDF, and must also be available at the moment;
In the final, the freely selected piece of music will be limited to the maximum duration of 4 (four) minutes to the Child’s Category and 7 (seven) minutes to the Juvenile Category;
For each 30 (thirty) seconds, exceeding the established time limit for the performance, 10 (ten) points will be deduced in the final score.
2) Junior and Senior categories
• Eliminatory round: The entrants must play a compulsory piece of music previously selected by the organisation;
• Final round: The entrants must play a freely selected piece of music chosen from a list provided by the organisation.
In case an accompanist pianist has been requested by the entrant, the piano piece of music must be enclosed, to the Application Form in PDF, and must also be available at the moment;
Notes: The mandatory piece of music will be published on the official website of the Competition:, from 17th March 2023;
Article 10 – Memory Rounds
To the entrants who perform a memory round (without using musical scores), might be attributed a bonus up to 5 (five) points by each member of the Jury.
Article 11 – Musical Scores
The entrant is fully responsible for the non-use of original musical scores. The organisation does not accept any responsibility for any civil or criminal proceedings related to this act.
Article 12 – Roll-Call Order
The order of performance to the rounds will be displayed at the entrance of each venue where the roll-call will take place, following an alphabetical order.For those entrants who miss the first roll-call, there will be a second one 15 (fifteen) minutes later and, in case the entrants are not present, they will not be allowed to give the performance. In the list of results, the former situations will be indicated as “ABSENT”.
Article 13 – Schedule
The schedule of the competition programme, with the day and time of the performances, as well as the rehearsals with the pianists, will be published on the official website, up to 02nd June 2023.
Article 14 – Pianist accompanist
Rehearsals with the pianist accompanist provided will take place on 3rd and 4th July 2023, in the venues to be indicated.
The entrants of the Child and Juvenile Categories may only be accompanied by 1 (one) person during the rehearsal with the pianist.
The person accompanying the entrant must not interfere in the pianist accompanist, under penalty of interrupting the rehearsal.
The entrants of the Junior and Senior Categories cannot enter the rehearsal room with other people. The rehearsal must be held solely with the presence of the entrant and the pianist accompanist.
Article 15 – Application Fee
Option |
Category |
Child |
Juvenile |
Junior |
Senior |
With a pianist accompanist |
60 EUR |
75 EUR |
Without a pianist accompanist |
50 UR |
Note: A 15% discount on the application fee is entitled to:
• Students at Academia de Música de Oliveira de Azeméis (AMOA);
• Students or performers of the Bandas Filarmónicas of the municipality;
• Residents of Oliveira de Azeméis.
To benefit from the referred discount, the entrants must prove at least one of the above referred situations.
Article 16 – Means of Payment
The payment of the application fee may be made by means of:
• Bank Transfer to Portuguese IBAN PT50 0035 0558 00039591330 86 / BIC SWIFT: CGDIPTPL.
• Cheque payable to Academia de Música de Oliveira de Azeméis;
• Via ATM, at the AMOA office;
• Cash, at the AMOA office.
A receipt will always be sent to the email address made available by the entrant in the application form.
Note: The AMOA office is open from Monday to Friday, from 9:30 until 13:00 and from 13:30 to 18:30 (except on holiday).
Article 17 – Results
The results of the Eliminatory rounds will be made available in the head office of the Competition (AMOA building) after the end of all the rounds of each instrument and category.
The results of the Final rounds and, consequently of the award winners, will only be announced at the Award Winner Ceremony, scheduled for 8th July 2023 (21:00) at the Oliveira de Azeméis Municipal Theatre.
Article 18 – Responsibility
The entrants are fully responsible for any material damage or injury taking place during the competition, as well as for all expenses involved in the participation in the event, namely: travel expenses, room and board or others. The organisation might offer some suggestions if needed.
Article 19 – Awards
The monetary awards are:
Awards |
Category |
Child |
Juvenile |
Junior |
Senior |
1st Award |
200 EUR |
300 EUR |
400 EUR |
600 EUR |
2nd Award |
120 EUR |
150 EUR |
200 EUR |
300 EUR |
3rd Award |
90 EUR |
100 EUR |
150 EUR |
200 EUR |
Overall Winner of the Category (*) |
200 EUR |
200 EUR |
200 EUR |
200 EUR |
(*) The value of this award is added to the amount won previously.
The Award Overall Winner of the Category will be attributed to the winner with the highest score in the end of each of the Categories in the competition.
In the event of a tie, the Award Overall Winner of the Category, will be divided into equal amounts among the prize winners.
The Award D. Maria Aldina Fernandes Valente, worth a total of 1,500€, will be granted to the oldest entrant, to whom a first award has been attribute. The amount will be equally split between the two Woodwind and Brass Instruments categories (750€ each).
The presence of the winners of this award in the “Award Winners Ceremony” is compulsory, under the penalty of being given to the best qualified winner following the absent one.
Certificate of attendance and Diploma: All entrants will receive a Certificate of Attendance in the end of the Eliminatory Round.
The awarded ones will also receive a Diploma, which will be handed out in the “Award Winners Ceremony”. Diplomas not claimed at the ceremony may be picked up from the Head Office of the Competition up to 31 December 2023.
Notes: In case of ex-aequo score, the value of the Award will be split up, in equal parts, among the winners.
The Jury reserves the right not to award:
• first awards, in case the score is lower than 500 (five hundred) points;
• second awards, in case the score is lower than 400 (four hundred) points;
• third awards, in case the score is lower than 300 (three hundred) points.
Article 20 – Award Winners Ceremony
The Awards and the Certificates of Attendance will be given out at the Award Winners Ceremony, to be held on 8th July 2023 (21:00) at the Oliveira de Azeméis Municipal Theatre.
The monetary awards achieved will be paid to the winners by means of a bank transfer to the account made available by the entrants at the moment of the enrolment in the competition. The payment of the award will be made until the 15st August 2023.
Article 21 – Communication with the entrants
The organisation of the competition uses as preferential means of communication with the entrants the electronic address provided in the application form.
Article 22 – Image Rights
The organisation reserves the right to film and/or photograph the performances, with the aim of publishing and promoting future editions of the competition. At the enrolment procedure, the entrant declares to assign all image rights to the organisation, free of charge and for an unlimited period.
The audience is not allowed to record in audio or video. Photographs are allowed without flash and sound.
Article 23 – Doubts and omissions
Any doubts or omissions in the herewith regulations will be decided by the organisation.
For further information entrants may contact:
Academia de Música de Oliveira de Azeméis:
Tel.:+351 256 681 169
E-mail: [email protected]
If you wish, DOWNLOAD this regulation here.